One Step At A Time

Be prepared for the journey ahead.

"...Although being an amputee to any degree can and will be a life changing ordeal for anyone, the prospects for a long and healthy life accommodating this change are endless...."

"...As you may be about to find out, becoming an amputee is a much different life, however it is very manageable, and you now belong to a tight knit community of other amputees..."

Get the FREE book to help you prepare for the journey


One Step at a Time… the ultimate resource guiding you through the process of an amputation. Download your FREE copy today.

Having difficulty understanding your ampution?

Perhaps this book compiled by MARAA and contents provided by the WAR AMPS of CANADA will help you.”


“Amputee Technical Terms”

Having difficulty understanding your ampution?

Perhaps this book compiled by MARAA and contents provided by the WAR AMPS of CANADA will help you.”

“Amputee Technical Terms”